Grounding + Nourishing Myself Through Life’s Transitions with Ayurveda

The alchemy of turning simple ingredients into nourishing sustenance is an art that resonates deeply not just within the Ayurvedic community but lineages of humanity across time. This accumulation of culinary wisdom feeds not just the body, or the mind, but an inextinguishable layer within ourselves as we connect with ancient practices in a contemporary time.

This week we are excited to introduce you to another passionate Mentee and Ayurvedic Health Advisor, Sami Mayhew. Her passion for learning has transformed her into an inspiring guide, sharing her love for Ayurveda, path to wellness and now our time tested recipe for homemade ghee with YOU!

If you’re eager to spice up your kitchen routine and indulge in something wholesome and delicious, Sami’s video on making ghee is an excellent spring board. This ancient Ayurvedic treasure can transform your cooking experience, and Sami’s warmth and wisdom will guide you every step of the way.

Grounding + Nourishing Myself Through Life’s Transitions with Ayurveda

Embracing Daily Rituals as a Mom Living Abroad

To say I’ve been going through transitions the past few years would be an understatement. At times, it’s even been difficult for those closest to me to keep up with what I’m doing and my location on the globe.

Between becoming a mother, starting a business, moving to Mexico, living with my in-laws, a death in the family, and getting major jaw surgery all within the past five years, it seems my life has been in a constant state of flux and growth, all of which I am grateful for.

These transitional times, however, come at a cost to my health and made me become more aware of how to best take care of myself.

Thankfully, what has kept me grounded through all of these transitions is Ayurveda.

I began working with Carlisle and Zaplin of Maha Vidya, studying Ayurveda in early 2020 when my daughter was almost 2 years old. Still breastfeeding at the time, I was feeling rather fried physically and emotionally, and the pandemic was just around the bend.

Slowly, as I dove into Ayurvedic study beginning the 500 hour program in August that same year, I started to gradually add daily rituals or practices, called Dinacharya, to my day to day life that gave me an anchor and a wellness routine I was so deeply craving. These daily practices became a quick way for me to check in with myself, and my health, when I was constantly giving to a little being, partner, family and business.

The main daily practices I started doing (and still do) that have had the biggest impact on me are:

1) Eliminate upon rising - it sounds so simple, but pooping first thing in the morning is one of the easiest ways to start feeling better. It’s also a way to monitor how your body is feeling and digesting food.

2) Scraping my tongue - by gently cleaning the tongue with a tongue scraper one removes toxic buildup on the tongue which can improve sense of taste, stimulate digestion, elimination and improve overall oral health. It’s also a way to check in with yourself because your tongue also tells you about your health, just like your poop can.

3) Consuming ghee with warm water on an empty stomach - instead of going straight for coffee or food in the morning, I started drinking a teaspoon full of ghee mixed in warm water. Not only did it satisfy my hunger, it energized and nourished me deeply - more on that below!

Doing just these three things each morning provided more regularity in my schedule, regularity in my digestive system and regulation in my nervous system. I started feeling nourished by life instead of drained by it.

From Herbal Medicine to Food + Lifestyle as Medicine

Another big ah-ha moment came for me during these past few years.

Prior to my study of Ayurveda, I began studying western herbalism.

During the homebirth of my daughter, my midwives gave me an herbal concoction to help labor move along and it blew my mind. The fact that I could support myself in birth, and life, with plants and without doctors and pills felt like the missing piece of information I was searching for my whole life. I became so activated by the world of plants and all the ways they can support us.

This experience and realization inspired my interest in herbs and led me to create an online shop of herbal tinctures, elixirs, oils, teas and all kinds of medicinal, culinary and cosmetic herbal goodies that I still run today.

While herbs can support our health, what I realized as I learned more about Ayurveda was that herbs only support us to the degree that we are eating well. In other words, if we are eating healthy and have balanced digestion, there is almost no need for herbal medicines.

Through the 500 hour program, I discovered that digestion is at the root of health or dis-ease, so I stopped taking herbs and started to focus more on a nourishing diet for my body with balanced digestion.

Ghee is Gold

Like I mentioned above, one of my main practices that led to me feeling more balanced, physically and emotionally, was consuming ghee with warm water on an empty stomach every morning.

Before I go any further though, you may be asking, what exactly is ghee?

Well, ghee is the pure fat rendered from butter. By cooking butter, all the water or milk contents are removed and all that’s left is the pure oil or fat. Since all milk or water is removed, the fat is now shelf stable and can be kept out on your counter just like coconut oil or other cooking oil. You can cook or bake with ghee just like you would cook with butter, coconut oil, cooking oil or any fat. You can also add it on top of dishes as a finishing component.

In Ayurveda, ghee is highly revered as a healing substance. This oily, gooey goodness is cooling to the system, yet it stimulates digestive fire, making it a special substance because usually things that are cooling slow down digestion, not stimulate it. Ghee is also a carrier for medicines because it can penetrate to the deepest tissue layers in the body, affecting the body on a profound level.

To me, ghee feels nourishing, satisfying and gets things moving in my digestive system. I can feel it coating my digestive system like a soothing salve, moistening any dryness while also lighting my digestive fire like the way oil lights a flame. Not only do I consume it every morning, but I also cook all my food with it and bake with it sometimes too.

In a world full of highly processed oils, I love knowing how my ghee is made, where it comes from and all the health benefits.

I also have homemade ghee available in my Etsy shop:

Instagram: @wildlynourishedlife

Guide to Ghee

Being a do-it-yourself type, I decided to start making my own ghee and have fallen in love with the whole process, like a mad scientist of the sort. I enjoy tuning into all the subtleties and qualities of the ghee and ghee-making process. From selecting the butter, to cookware, to the ‘smell test’ that signifies the ghee is ready.

I’ve recorded a how-to recipe video on making ghee that tells you all you need to know to make your own, delicious ghee in the comfort of your home kitchen.

I hope that you grow to love this fat (or any fat) much as I do, and that it gives you the nourishment your body is needing!

video preview

Don't miss out on the nourishing wisdom Sami and our Maha Vidya community are sharing online! From homemade ghee, digestive spice mixes, kitchari recipes and meaningful stories of transformation; there's a world of Ayurvedic treasures waiting for you.

If you find yourself struggling with digestive health issues or feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to turn, our team of advisors is here to guide you through the principles of Ayurveda to find the answers you've been searching for!

And the best part? They're offering FREE Digestive Health Consultations. Learn firsthand how our team can support you on your journey to improved health and an enhanced kitchen!

Enjoy the video and stay healthy friends!


Carlisle and Zaplin

Hi! We offer individualized support in Natural Health and Lifestyle!

With over 30 years of combined experience in the field we offer Professional Training Programs in Ayurveda and Yoga along with Master Teachers from India and Australia. We are centered in Puerto Rico where we share individualized practices, retreats and in house learning.

Read more from Hi! We offer individualized support in Natural Health and Lifestyle!
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